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  written by Dietitian Sneha Upadhyay |     February 22, 2019

ARE YOU AWARE OF HEALTH RISKS DUE TO PROLONGED NIGHT SHIFT WORK?? This is part 2 of the previous post. Read the HEALTH RISKS BY PROLONGED NIGHT SHIFT WORK Part – 1 if you have not read it till now.


So the saga continues…


  1. Try to eat in line with a regular day(and your circadian rhythm). It’s hard to stick to a regular diet if you eat very late at night or throughout a shift. Eat meals at the same time each day seven days a week. This schedule helps maintain the body’s clock.


  1. Stay hydrated: Staying well-hydrated is important for regulating body temperature, lubricating joints, flushing waste from the body and preventing constipation. When it comes to shift work, staying adequately hydrated may also help you to stay awake. If you’d like some variety besides water, try low sodium tomato or vegetable juice, Low fat milk, tea, unsweetened herbal tea, and lower sodium 100% vegetable juices are other nutritious beverages that you can drink. Watch the amount of 100% fruit juice you drink because the calories can add up quickly or flavored water.



Many shift workers turn to caffeine for its stimulating effects. Another beverage that can be dehydrating as well as interfere with the body’s sleep cycle is alcohol. Avoid the urge to turn to alcohol to help you unwind at the end of a shift.  Stay well hydrated. Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. It may help you to stay alert and not feel so tired during your shift. Keep a water bottle nearby and take sips even before you feel thirsty and fill it often. Your body often signals hunger and thirst in the same way. Drinking lots of water can help you stay awake, prevent dehydration and constipation, and help you feel a bit fuller.


    1. Stock up on nutrient-rich foods : So stock up on nutrient-rich foods to stay healthy and energized. Whip up a healthy smoothie to take with you to the ho. Snack on fresh fruit, fresh vegetables and hummus, or a handful or nuts. Pack simple, balanced meals full of lean protein, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Filling up on the “good stuff” will help you keep sweets and fatty foods to a minimum.


  1. Eat and Prepare your “main meal” before your shift : If you are on the afternoon shift have your main meal at mid  morning. This will help keep you fuelled for the next 12 hours. If you’re working a night shift, try having your “main meal” before you leave, between 5-6 pm. Then have a small additional meal and snacks throughout the night. Eating a big meal overnight can also upset your stomach. Examples of good snacks are an apple with a small piece of low fat cheese or a handful of nuts with low fat yogurt.


  1. Have a small “breakfast” or snack after a night shift: It can be hard to sleep well after a night shift when you’re too full or too hungry. If you’re hungry, try having something small like toast, fruit, or a warm slice of Banana Bread . If you’re too full, consider cutting out one of your earlier snacks.


  1. Avoid fatty, fried, spicy or sugary foods : Foods such as hamburgers, fried chicken and spicy chili may lead to heartburn and indigestion gas, constipation and contribute to unwanted weight gain. Eating heavy fried foods will not only make you feel bloated and heavy can also increase your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Since our digestive system is inactive at night, it becomes difficult for the body to digest food. Eating oil-laden or unhealthy foods will lead to acidity and gastric problems, so avoid sugary foods and drinks. You may feel a quick boost of energy after having a chocolate bar or sugary soft drink. This feeling doesn’t last long and you may experience low energy levels later on. Enjoy nutritious snacks and beverages instead to stay alert and keep your energy up.

17. Bring your own food to work : The cafeteria, vending machines and 24-hr coffee shops typically carry foods that are high in carbs, fat and sugar. Look for protein-rich snacks to help keep you alert and focused.You’re more likely to eat healthily if you pack your own meals rather than eating foods from restaurants, take out counters or vending machines.

Our favourite shift work snacks:
  • Veggie sticks and hummus
  • Roasted chickpeas
  • Fruit and nut butter
  • Homemade granola bars, protein cookies or energy balls (like our Paleo Granola or Coconut Brownie Bites)
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • A smoothie with added protein (add nut butter, protein powder, oats, hemp seeds or chia seeds)
  • Trail mix or mixed nuts (I always keep a stash in my bag)
  1. Avoid Having Too Much Caffeine:In order to remain active and focused, night shift workers tend to consume a countless number of cups of coffee or tea, which does not do any good to their health. Too much caffeinecan disrupt hydration as well as impact sleep, also linked to depression and can interfere with serotonin production (the “happiness” neurotransmitter)..

Experts suggest avoiding caffeine 4-8 hours before the end of a shift to prevent the caffeine from disrupting your sleep when you do get home. Limit caffeine intake four to five hours before the end of your shift (caffeine stays in your body for many hours) to help your body wind down for home and relaxation. Don’t consume more than 400 mg of caffeine a day. That is about the amount of caffeine found in two to three small cups of regular coffee. Caffeine can stay in your system for up to eight hours. Switch to decaffeinated drinks, unsweetened herbal tea or water about four hours before bedtime.1-2 cups can help you stay alert but try avoiding it later into the shift so you can get some sleep later!  Avoid coffee, tea, colas, all other caffeine drinks. On a coffee break, drink orange juice (protein) and walk around. Physical activity promotes wakefulness. Read the post on coffee by Dr. Basudev Tewari.


19.Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages before bedtime. Although the sedative effect helps you fall asleep, it tends to wear off in 2 – 3 hours and causes disturbed sleep in the latter half of the night. Avoid alcohol. Avoid drinking alcohol after work and when you get home. A drink may make you feel more relaxed, but alcohol can disturb your sleep.

20.Fight temptation: Whether it’s the urge to have more coffee and a chocolate bar for dinner or to go meet a friend for lunch when you know you should be sleeping, being a night shift people requires a strong dose of willpower. Sticking to your schedule and resisting the impulse to indulge in junk food or other unhealthy practices will help you continue to excel as a night shift nurse.

  1. See your doctor. Also, if you’re concerned about the health effects of shift work, your doctor should monitor your health more closely. That’s especially true if you already have any health problems. Beware of certain medication. Avoid prolonged use of sleeping pills and other sedatives, which interfere with normal sleep patterns. Beware of cold and allergy medications which have sleep-related side effects. Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) has a stimulating effect and antihistamines (Dristan) can cause drowsiness.

Special Considerations:


  • Stick to your routine. On your days off try to eat and sleep around the same times that you would if you were working your shift. Good nutrition and fitness go hand in hand. Keep active to:  improve your mood;∙  stay fit;∙  manage stress;∙  sleep better; and∙  re-energize yourself while at work.∙ Take a stretch break. Walk up a few flights of stairs. Or go for a brisk walk.




Here Are Some Healthy Options For Night Shift Workers:


  • Fresh fruit and vegetable juices
  • Seasonal fruits and vegetables
  • Whole grain breads with hummus
  • Dry cereals and grain salads such as couscous, quinoa, bulgur and barley
  • Dry roasted nuts
  • Trail mix
  • Cottage cheese
  • Fruit shakes made with low-fat milk
  • Boiled eggs salads with vegetables
  • Sandwiches made with low-fat meats like chicken and fish with vegetables
  • Beans and sprouts
  • Greek yogurt


So guys that’s all about it for today. If you cannot avoid night shifts, try to follow s much as you can. This can really help you optimize your health without compromising your career. For more such amazing ideas, keep reading our blog Easy Fitness Idea.


Stay fit, stay healthy…


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