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Garcinia Combogia- Role in Weight Loss

  written by Priyanka Sadhukhan |     July 8, 2019

Garcinia Cambogia- Role in Weight Loss


Garcinia Cambogia or Malabar Tamarind or simply Garcinia nowadays become popular and works like a miracle in weight loss and belly fat reduction. But it does not mean that this magical fruit work alone in this journey. It also holds hands of lifestyle changes and exercise to give you perfect desired results.

You might be thinking why as a nutritionist I am promoting a supplement where I always believe to lose weight in a sustainable way than a shortcut version.

Well! First, let me clear…….

What is Garcinia Cambogia?

Garcinia Cambogia is a small pumpkin shaped, yellow or greenish natural fruit which is native to India and Southeast Asia. The magical part of this fruit is its peel or rind which has an active ingredient Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) that has shown a promising effect in weight loss journey.


The rind of this magical fruit is also used for culinary purposes like to flavour fish curry and preserve food especially in the South coastal region of India.

Why is it called as a supplement?

The flesh of garcinia is too sour to pucker your lips and often pickled with spices and oil to neutralize its sour taste. The extract of this fruit is being marketed as supplements for weight loss. A supplement generally contains 20-60% HCA but studies found that those which contain 50-60% HCA provides the most benefit.

How it aids in weight loss?

Obesity has become an epidemic which disables your mind, body, and soul too. The major culprit is the visceral fat which mainly accumulates in the abdomen region and increases the chances of non-communicable diseases like diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart diseases, etc. But the good news for obese people who really tried hard to lose weight but all in vain. Garcinia Cambogia a magical fruit shows some potential antiobesity effect due to it’s HCA content which is believed to suppress fatty acid biosynthesis and satiety (Effects of a natural extract of (-)-hydroxycitric acid (HCA-SX) and a combination of HCA-SX plus niacin-bound chromium and Gymnema Sylvestre extract on weight loss.

Preuss HG, Bagchi D, Bagchi M, Rao CV, Dey DK, Satyanarayana S, Diabetes Obes Metab. 2004 May; 6(3):171-80.)

The exact mechanism of HCA is still under studies but few studies suggest that Garcinia Cambogia has an appetite suppressant property which makes you feel full for longer. The active ingredient in this fruit increases the release of serotonin from the brain which reduces your appetite.

Another study shows that consumption of Garcinia Cambogia at a stretch of 8 weeks drastically improves certain metabolic parameters by inhibiting fatty acid biosynthesis.

Other Promising health benefits

Not only obesity but this magical fruit improves insulin sensitivity and improves cholesterol levels, lowers triglycerides and improves HDL cholesterol level. So you might be thinking to rush to the medical store NOW and buy a bottle of Garcinia Cambogia supplement. But just give a break as you need to know it’s dosage and safety measures also.

Dosage Recommendations

Instead of picking any brand of this supplement you need to observe the levels of HCA which should be 50-60% and is recommended to take 500 mg, 3 times a day, 30-60 minutes before meals.


Though Garcinia Cambogia is a magical fruit to show best results but dosage and safety measures need to follow. Lifestyle changes are the main contributor to your weight loss journey then everything will be aligned to the positive side. These supplements are only the help to kick start your journey but always need to adopt a sustainable approach.



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