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Paleo Diet

  written by Priyanka Sadhukhan |     May 31, 2019

Is Paleo Diet really useful?

Have you ever heard of Paleo Diet? Or ever tried this variety for your healthy lifestyle or weight loss?

Paleo means “Older or Ancient”  which is designed to resemble what our ancestors used to take thousands of years ago means similar to what might have been eaten during the Paleolithic era i.e. 2.5 million to 10,000 years ago. No one actually knows what they used to take but it is believed that they thrives mostly on meat, fish, fruits and vegetables- foods that could be obtained by hunting or gathering.

Our ancestors used to lead a healthy lifestyle with lower rates of lifestyle disorders and their eating habits were wholesome with no processed and fast foods. In fact several studies reveals that the paleo diet also aids in weight loss without counting calories as this is basically based on whole foods which are rich in proteins and fibre along with other micronutrients.

How Paleo Diet is different from Modern diet ?

Over the years, the lifestyle of society has changed a lot. While some have chosen to continue living the traditional, slow pace lifestyle of ancestors as in rural population but most people of urban population have made the permanent switch to a fast paced, modern lifestyle. Food habits, in general, are culture specific, but in the last few decades dynamic changes have occurred due to the fast growing economy, a shift from traditional to modern technologies, globalisation & industrialization evolving tastes and increased demands for ‘Fast’ and processed foods throughout our country. This fast paced lifestyle increases the consumption of junk foods because not only it is quicker than cooking a meal but also much economic. This ‘Nutritional Transition’ moving all young Indians away from traditional diet rich in cereal and fibre to more Western pattern diet high in sugar, fat and fast food culture that are closely associated with different Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).

Whereas Paleo Diet mainly focuses on good fats, proteins, vegetables, fruits etc. Definitely this Paleo Diet is not the best option but YES,  a good way to cut down on processed sugary foods, trans fats and all the junks. Since our modern diet is mainly focussed on junk or processed food so definitely this Paleo Diet will play a master stroke in weight loss.

A review study in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that, compared to other well diets this Paleo approach slows a small improvement in blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, fasting sugar levels as well as in triglycerides levels also.


Another study in European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who have followed the paleo diet for 2 weeks showed better improvement in their blood sugar, lipid profile and insulin levels.

A study published in January 2017 in Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews also found people with T2D reduced their body fat, improves insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control by following a paleo diet for 12 weeks.

What u can include in Paleo diet?

  • Lean meat, such as chicken, turkey, pork, lean beef
  • Fish
  • Seafood
  • Fresh fruit
  • Non starchy vegetables, such as lettuce, asparagus, green beans, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and spinach.
  • Nuts like almonds, walnuts, cashews, pecans, and pistachios (no peanuts)
  • Seeds like pumpkin and sunflower
  • Eggs
  • Plant-based oils, such as olive, walnut, grapeseed, and coconut oil

What you need to restrict?

  • Grains, such as oats, wheat, barley, and rice — which means no cereal, bread, pasta, bagels, crackers, or granola bars.
  • Starchy vegetables, such as potatoes and corn, as well as potato and corn chips, tortillas, and popcorn.
  • Legumes or beans — so no peanuts or peanut butter; no soy foods, such as soy milk, tofu, or edamame; no hummus or beans of any kind.
  • Dairy products — so no milk, yogurt, cheese, or ice cream.
  • High-fat meats.
  • Sugars, such as in soda, honey, jam or jelly, syrup, candy, cakes, cookies, and sports drinks.
  • Processed foods or trans fats, such as doughnuts, french fries, fruit snacks, or macaroni and cheese.
  • Salty foods, such as crackers, chips, pretzels, soy sauce, added-salt foods, or sports drinks.

Is Paleo diet bad for you?

Some experts believe that this diet lacks nutritional balance if followed by long a period of time especially leads to calcium and Vitamin D deficiency. So for a specific period of time following this restrictive diet is good to reduce weight as it is high in fat, moderate in protein and low in carbohydrates.

Let’s have a look a sample Indian Version of Paleo Diet 


Whole egg salad with vegetable


Scrambled egg with bell pepper and


Spices/ Vegetable stuffed egg omelette.


Any fruit bowl with nuts and seeds


Grilled chicken with salad


Green beans salad with grilled chicken pieces


Fish with Cabbage or Lettuce wrap sprinkled with sesame seeds.


Handful of nuts and seeds


Veggies with hummus


Baked Fish with lemon and thyme


Chicken vegetable salad


Baked fish with carrot soup or palak soup


Main principle of Paleo diet is to avoid all grains, processed and sugary foods. As we are Indians and our staple food is Rice so better to include gluten free grains instead. Include supplements in diet like vitamin D, calcium supplements.

So Spend some money on High protein foods and get a permanent solution from your heavyweight. As it is not sustainable and short time approach so always seek help from a qualified nutritionist or dietitian.


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